Past Stars

OB GRAND CH, WT CH, RO CH & CH Future Harvest of Sarelle CDX Gold, UDX, WDX,TDX, CGC Gold RAE2


                                                        2010 photo


Hips 2:7 Elbows 0:0

Sire: WT CH,CH & OB CH Be My Yusha of Sarelle CDX UDX WDX
Dam: Ch Iccara Future Focus at Sarelle(Imp Aust) CDX Gold UDX CGC Silver

My beautiful Harvest achieved a lot in her working years and I had her for 13.5 years.
She gained her breed champion title taking two group awards at the same time. She had multiple obedience test wins including several Top Central Region dog awards, and gained her UDX (Utility Dog Excellent) qualification just 10 days after turning 2 years old (Minimum age to compete is 2 years).
Harvest’s sire –Yusha- and granddam – Mint - were both triple champions the only german shepherd triple champions in New Zealand – Harvest became the third generation of triple champion. Harvest is a very calm loving dog who gets on well with both dogs and people.
The photo of Harvest lying down was taken during a National competition out of sight stay, and shows her true nature - calm but alert

WT CH Imanicon of Sarelle CDXG UDX WDX TDX RE CGCG


Icon (daughter of Harvest) DOB 5.2.11
Sire: Aimsway Stone Cold (Imp Aust)

Icon started her show career with a Baby Puppy of Group, but was only shown occasionally. She competed in obedience and won through to the top Test (Test C) but her forte was working trials. She was an excellent tracking dog and easily went through to her Working Trial Champion Title

Obedience Grand Champion, Working Trial Champion Zest’omint of Sarelle CDX UDX WDX TDX ADXS CGC Gold

ZestZest 2011 Photo

Hips 4:3, elbows 0:0  DOB: 13.8.2000

Daughter of 'Mint' and 'Ingo von Frankengold'. Unfortunately she never produced a bitch for me to carry on from her.

A top competitor in her time, she achieved 29 Obedience CC’s, gained 3 Breed CC’s and in her youth had wins in agility and achieved ADX Advanced Silver.

Ch Iccara Future Focus at Sarelle (Imp Aust) CDX Gold UDX CGC Silver


Hips "A" elbows "Z" DOB: 19.3.2006

Focus was imported from the top Australian Iccara kennels and produced two lovely litters for me, F and G litters of Sarelle. She is a lovely natured bitch. She had a number of wins in obedience, including at the top competition the National Dog Training Assembly.